Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Aristotle in Britain?

This week I've just listed a few quotes by a man who is now considered one of the most quotable authors of all time. Who was this great genius? He was round and jolly. He was incredibly witty and yet terribly complex. He loved a joke but discussed the most serious of subjects. He wrote about history and yet some of his writings seemed to predict the future. He possessed the spirit of a child but the wisdom of a genius. Poet, fiction writer, author of many books and countless essays, this 20th century British author knew how to express the truth about life in a way unlike anyone else. His name was G.K. Chesterton. Below are just a handful of his witty sayings. Also many thanks to www.quotationspage.com for the quotes listed!


 It's a remarkable thing to think what kind of mind this man had. His gift brings both humor and clarity to a Tangled world.

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